I think I want to start work on the website again,

It's been 4/5 months since I last worked on it and yeah,

Looking back I'm just, so proud of what's on it, it's my only piece of work where I'll forget things about it and then be impressed when I head back to it. Not to say my other work is bad or anything, but i tend to remember all of the details of my other work, its what i expect. where the website always seems to go past my expectations.

Also, I do feel it's important to have a public place where I am just, Me.

On twitch I tend to display a happier side of myself and while it isn't faked or anything, twitch doesn't really see me while i'm rotting away.

And I think it's important to have a place where my community can see the "other side of me"

I'm not gonna lie though, apart of me is still hesitant to start updating the website again due to multiple cases of people coming to my streams from the website and asking me questions that are far too personal.

I think people forget that to me, they are complete and utter strangers for the most part.

I've had complete strangers come up and tell me how suicidal they've been, how horribly depressed they are, how badly they want friends and how much they relate to my traumas, and just. its a lot. while i have empathy for those people. its fucking weird!!!!! dont do that!!!!!! I am not your Therapist, Friend, Colleague, Family, or Anyone of the sort.

I am a Stranger. If you wouldn't say it to the cashier at Walmart, please don't say it to me.